Command Line Interface

There are several ways to run scripts that are registered using omni-fig. The most common way is through the command line using the fig command.

The fig command should be used like this:

fig [-<meta>] <script> [<configs>...] [--<args>]
  • script - refers to the registered name of the script that should be run. This can be “_” to specify that the script is already specified in the config. When using the fig command, the script is a required argument.

  • meta - any Behavior that should be activated to modify the execution of the script (and must use the prefix -. For example, use -h to see the Help message, or -d to run the script in Debug mode.

  • configs - is an ordered list of names of registered config files that will be composed and passed to the script function.

  • args - any manually provided arguments to be added to the config object. Here each argument key must be preceded by a -- and optionally followed by a value (which is parsed as yaml syntax), if not value is provided the key is set to True.

Even if the script name is specified in the config (under the key _meta.script_name), you must include an underscore _ in the command-line command.

However, the fig command really just calls fig.entry(), so you can customize the entry point as well. For example, with a python file in the project directory that looks like this:

import omnifig as fig

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now, running something like python <script> [<configs>...] is equivalent to fig <script> [<configs>...]. This is useful if you want to add additional functionality to the entry point of your project, or if you want to specify the script to run in the python file instead of the command line. For example, given that we registered a script called launch-server, we could create another python file that looks like this:

import omnifig as fig

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now running something like python [<configs>...] is equivalent to fig launch-server [<configs>...].

See the feature slide B2.

Execution Sequence

Here’s a breakdown of exactly what happens when you run the fig command, which is the main entry point for running scripts.

  1. First, the omnifig package is imported.

  2. Then fig.entry() is called.

    1. The profile is detected and loaded (see Profiles) with profile.activate().

      1. The current project is detected (see Projects), but not loaded yet.

      2. Any specified active base projects are loaded (see Profiles).

    2. fig.main() is called with the script name (if one is provided to entry() and the system arguments sys.argv.

      1. The project is loaded, importing any specified modules and running any source files (see Projects) with project.activate().

      2. All registered behaviors are instantiated (see Behaviors).

      3. The provided arguments are parsed with the project’s ConfigManager.parse_argv and the behaviors to produce the config object

      4. Using the config object, the project is validated using project.validate(config) method (which allows the config or behaviors to switch projects before the script is run).

      5. The script is run with the config object using project.run_script(script, config).

        1. If a script was provided manually, that is added to the config object.

        2. pre_run() method is called on all behaviors.

        3. The script is run with the config object

        4. post_run() method is called on all behaviors.

      6. The project is cleaned up using project.cleanup() method.

      7. The output of the script is returned by fig.main(), but not by fig.entry().