
class omnifig.configurable.Configurable

Bases: AbstractConfigurable, Modifiable

Mix-in class for objects that can be constructed with a config object.

It is strongly recommended that components and modifiers inherit from this class to seamlessly fill in missing arguments with the config object.

classmethod init_from_config(config, args=None, kwargs=None, *, silent=None)

Constructor to initialize a class informed by the config object config. This will run the usual constructor __init__, except any arguments that are missing from the signature will be filled in from the config.

  • config (AbstractConfig) – Config object to use

  • args (Optional[Tuple]) – Manually specified arguments

  • kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – Manually specified keyword arguments

  • silent (Optional[bool]) – If True, no messages are reported when querying the config object.

Return type:



The initialized object

class omnifig.configurable.Certifiable

Bases: Configurable, AbstractCertifiable

Simple mix-in to make the initialization of classes through the config a two-stage process. The first stage calls the __init__ method, and then after that is complete, the __certify__ method is called, which can return a new object to replace the original one.

Note, that __certify__ is only called if the object is initialized through the config (e.g. through pull()).

class omnifig.configurable.silent_config_args(*args)

Bases: object

Decorator to silence the config when extracting arguments from the config

class omnifig.configurable.config_aliases(**aliases)

Bases: object

Method decorator to add aliases to the config arguments of a method


Config aliases to store for the method

  • **aliases (Union[Sequence[str], str]) – Mapping of aliases: keys should be the name of the argument in the method signature,

  • object. (and the values should be the name of the argument to query in the config) –