Config Settings

There are a few settings you can choose to affect the behavior of the config object. You can view and change the settings with the property cfg.settings:

  • silent - If True, suppresses all print messages when values from the config are accessed and updated (False by default).

  • readonly - If True, prevents any changes to the config values (False by default).

  • creator - If specified, this must be the name of a registered creator, which will be used to create the config values (defaults to DefaultCreator), for more information see the guide about creators.

  • force_create - If True, will always create new instances of components when pulling config values (False by default).

  • allow_create - If False, only instances of components that have already been instantiated are returned when pulling config values (True by default).

  • ask_parents - If True, missing keys will check in the parent config node (recursively) before raising a SearchFailed error (True by default).

  • allow_cousins - (advanced feature) If True, missing keys will check in the parent’s parent config node (recursively) with the current node’s key prepended before raising a SearchFailed error (False by default).