Saving/Loading ConfigsΒΆ

Despite the hierarchical structure of the config object, it can ultimately always be exported as a simple yaml file - so it should not contain any values that are primitives (str, bool, int, float, None) aside from the branches that behave either as a dict or list. Using the registries, the config can implicitly contain specifications for arbitrarily complex components such as objects and functions (see automatic instantiation for more details and examples). Consequently, any instantiated objects are not included when exporting or saving the config.

To export the config object as a str, use to_yaml().

import omnifig as fig

cfg = fig.create_config(x=1, y='hello')


# prints out:
# x: 1
# y: hello

Meanwhile, you can save the config file to a file using export().

import omnifig as fig

cfg = fig.create_config(x=1, y='hello')

path = cfg.export('my_config', root='/some/path/')

# path is now '/some/path/my_config.yaml'

Then the file can be loaded using create_config() by passing the path to the file in.

import omnifig as fig

cfg = fig.create_config('/some/path/my_config.yaml')


# prints out:
# x: 1
# y: hello