
One of the key features of omni-fig to provide additional control and customization over how your scripts are run is the ability to specify behaviors. Behaviors are classes with a variety of callbacks at different stages of the execution sequence. Behaviors are usually activated by including a flag in the command line arguments, but can also be activated directly through in the config under the _meta branch.

A comprehensive documentation of the callbacks are found in AbstractBehavior, but most common callbacks are:

  • parse_argv: called before the sys.argv is parsed (and commonly used to check whether or not the behavior should be activated (see parse_argv).

  • validate_project: called after the project is loaded, and can be used to switch to a different project.

  • include: called after the project is validated, to select which behaviors should be run.

  • pre_run: called before the script is run

  • handle_exception: called when an exception is raised during the script execution

  • post_run: called after the script is run, including the output of the script. If this callback returns a value, it will be used as the output of the script.

Additionally, omni-fig comes with a few simple, common behaviors that serve as examples of what you can do with behaviors. For more details check out the documentation.


The Help behavior provides a simple way to add help messages to your scripts. It is activated by the -h flag, and will print out the help message for the fig command. If a script is specified in a command with the help flag, then the __doc__ of the script function is also included in the help message.


The Debug behavior provides a simple way to add debug messages to your scripts. It is activated by the -d flag, and will automatically compose the config object with a registered config named debug. This is particularly useful when using IDEs like PyCharm or VS Code where you can define a fixed script execution fig -d, and then you can directly edit the file config/debug.yaml to specify the script and other config files that should be included.

Note that you can specify which script should be run in the config with the key _meta.script_name.


The Quiet behavior provides a simple way to suppress messages sent to the console. It is activated by the -q flag.