Traversing Configs

The config object is always a node in a tree. The root node is what is returned when creating the config node, but when instantiating a component the corresponding child node is passed in. You can also traverse the config tree using by iteration or using peek(). peek() is given a query (usually a key) and then traverses the config object to find the node corresponding to that query.

cfg = fig.create_config(x='hello',
    l = [1, 2, 3]
    d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=dict(x=1, y=2))

print(cfg) # prints out:
# x: hello
# l: [1, 2, 3]
# d:
#   a: 1
#   b: 2
#   c:
#     x: 1
#     y: 2

assert cfg.parent is None

node = cfg.peek('x')
assert node.parent is cfg
assert node.pull() == 'hello'

node2 = cfg.peek('l')
assert node2.parent is cfg
assert node2.pull() == [1, 2, 3]
assert cfg.peek('x.l') is node2

assert node2.peek('0') is cfg.peek('l.0')
assert node2.peek('1').pull() == 2

d = cfg.peek('d')
assert d.pull('a') == 1
assert d.pull('x') == 'hello'
assert d.pull('c.x') == 1

c = d.peek('c')
assert c.pull('x') == 1
assert c.pull() == dict(x=1, y=2)
assert c.parent is d

assert c.root is cfg
assert cfg.root is cfg

assert not cfg.is_leaf
assert not d.is_leaf
assert c.is_leaf

Similar to pull() (used to access config values), peek() also has a variant which allows for multiple queries peeks().


You can iterate over the child nodes of a config nodes either using peek_children or pull_children (to iterate over the values).

There are variants to include the keys when iterating pull_named_children and peek_named_children.