Source code for

import sys, os

from omnibelt import get_printer, resolve_order, monkey_patch

from .external import include_files

from .util import global_settings

prt = get_printer(__name__)

# region Projects

from .loading import get_profile

[docs]def get_current_project(): '''Get the current project, assuming a profile is loaded, otherwise returns None''' return get_profile().get_current_project()
[docs]def get_project(ident=None): '''Checks the profile to return (and possibly load) a project given the name or path ``ident``''' return get_profile().get_project(ident)
# endregion # region Running
[docs]def entry(script_name=None): ''' Recommended entry point when running a script from the terminal. This is also the entry point for the ``fig`` command. This collects the command line arguments in ``sys.argv`` and overrides the given script with ``script_name`` if it is provided :param script_name: script to be run (may be set with arguments) (overrides other arguments if provided) :return: None ''' argv = sys.argv[1:] main(*argv, script_name=script_name)
[docs]def main(*argv, script_name=None): ''' Runs the desired script using the provided ``argv`` which are treated as command line arguments Before running the script, this function initializes ``omni-fig`` using :func:`initialize()`, and then cleans up after running using :func:`cleanup()`. :param argv: raw arguments as if passed in through the terminal :param script_name: name of registered script to be run (may be set with arguments) (overrides other arguments if provided) :return: output of script that is run ''' initialize() project = get_current_project() config = project.process_argv(argv, script_name=script_name) out = cleanup() return out
[docs]def run(script_name, config, **meta): ''' Runs the specified script registered with ``script_name`` using the current project. :param script_name: must be registered in the current project or defaults to the profile :param config: config object passed to the script :param meta: any meta rules that modify the way the script is run :return: output of the script, raises MissingScriptError if the script is not found ''' return get_current_project().run(script_name=script_name, config=config, **meta)
[docs]def quick_run(script_name, *parents, **args): ''' Convenience function to run a simple script without a given config object, instead the config is entirely created using the provided ``parents`` and ``args``. :param script_name: name of registered script that is to be run :param parents: any names of registered configs to load :param args: any additional arguments to be provided manually :return: script output ''' config = get_config(*parents, **args) return run(script_name, config)
[docs]def initialize(*projects, **overrides): ''' Initializes omni-fig by running the "princeps" file (if one exists), loading the profile, and any active projects. Additionally loads the project in the current working directory (by default). Generally, this function should be run before running any scripts, as it should register all necessary scripts, components, and configs when loading a project. It is automatically called when running the :func:`main()` function (ie. running through the terminal). However, when starting scripts from other environments (such as in a jupyter notebook), this should be called manually after importing ``omnifig``. :param projects: additional projects that should be initialized :param overrides: settings to be checked before defaulting to ``os.environ`` or global settings :return: None ''' # princeps script princeps_path = resolve_order(global_settings['princeps_path'], overrides, os.environ) if not global_settings['disable_princeps'] and princeps_path is not None: try: include_files(princeps_path) except Exception as e: prt.critical(f'Failed to run princeps: {princeps_path}') raise e # load profile profile = get_profile(**overrides) # load project/s profile.initialize() for proj in projects: profile.load_project(proj)
[docs]def cleanup(**overrides): ''' Cleans up the projects and profile, which by default just updates the project/profile info yaml file if new information was added to the project/profile. Generally, this should be run after running any desired scripts. :param overrides: settings to check before defaulting to global settings or ``os.environ`` :return: None ''' get_profile(**overrides).cleanup()
# endregion # region Create
[docs]def get_config(*contents, **parameters): ''' Process the provided info using the current project into a config object. :param contents: usually a list of parent configs to be merged :param parameters: any manual parameters to include in the config object :return: config object ''' return get_current_project().create_config(*contents, **parameters)
[docs]def create_component(config): ''' Create a component using the current project :param config: Must contain a "_type" parameter with the name of a registered component :return: the created component ''' return get_current_project().create_component(config)
[docs]def quick_create(_type, *parents, **parameters): ''' Creates a component without an explicit config object. Effectively combines `get_config()` and `create_component()` :param _type: :param parents: :param parameters: :return: ''' proj = get_current_project() config = proj.create_config(*parents, **parameters) config.push('_type', _type, silent=True) return proj.create_component(config)
# endregion # region Registration
[docs]def register_script(name, fn, description=None, use_config=False): '''Manually register a new script to the current project''' monkey_patch(fn) return get_current_project().register_script(name, fn, description=description, use_config=use_config)
[docs]def register_component(name, fn, description=None): '''Manually register a new component to the current project''' return get_current_project().register_component(name, fn, description=description)
[docs]def register_modifier(name, fn, description=None, expects_config=False): '''Manually register a new modifier to the current project''' return get_current_project().register_modifier(name, fn, description=description, expects_config=expects_config)
[docs]def register_config(name, path): '''Manually register a new config file to the current project''' return get_current_project().register_config(name, path)
[docs]def register_config_dir(path, recursive=True, prefix=None, joiner='/'): '''Manually register a new config directory to the current project''' return get_current_project().register_config_dir(path, recursive=recursive, prefix=prefix, joiner=joiner)
# endregion # region Artifacts
[docs]def has_script(name): return get_current_project().has_script(name)
[docs]def find_script(name): return get_current_project().find_script(name)
[docs]def view_scripts(): return get_current_project().view_scripts()
[docs]def has_component(name): return get_current_project().has_component(name)
[docs]def find_component(name): return get_current_project().find_component(name)
[docs]def view_components(): return get_current_project().view_components()
[docs]def has_modifier(name): return get_current_project().has_modifier(name)
[docs]def find_modifier(name): return get_current_project().find_modifier(name)
[docs]def view_modifiers(): return get_current_project().view_modifiers()
[docs]def has_config(name): return get_current_project().has_config(name)
[docs]def find_config(name): return get_current_project().find_config(name)
[docs]def view_configs(): return get_current_project().view_configs()
# endregion