Source code for omnifig.rules

from heapq import heapify, heappop

from omnibelt import get_printer, Entry_Registry

from .registry import Rules_Registry

prt = get_printer(__name__)

_rules_registry = Rules_Registry()

[docs]def Meta_Rule(name: str, priority: int = 0, code: str = None, expects_args: int = 0, description: str = None): ''' Decorator used to register meta rules. :param name: Name of the meta rule (and key in meta config for any required arguments) :param priority: priority of this meta rule (the higher it is the earlier it is run relative to other meta rules) :param code: Command line code (usually a single letter) preceded by "-" to activate this meta rule :param expects_args: number of command line arguments required when activating :param description: short description of what this rule does for the help message :return: decorator function to register the meta rule ''' def _reg(fn): register_meta_rule(name, fn=fn, priority=priority, code=code, expects_args=expects_args, description=description) return fn return _reg
[docs]def register_meta_rule(name, fn, priority=0, code=None, expects_args=0, description=None): ''' Meta Rules are expected to be a callable of the form: config <= fn(meta, config) where ``meta`` is the meta config, and the output should be the processed ``config`` :param name: name of the new rule :param fn: callable to enforce rule :param priority: priority of this rule (rules are enforced by priority high to low) :param code: (optional) single letter code used to activate rule from the terminal :param expects_args: number of arguments expected by this meta rule through the terminal :param description: one line description of what the rule does :return: None ''', fn=fn, priority=priority, code=code, num_args=int(expects_args), description=description)
def view_meta_rules(): '''Returns an iterator over all registered meta rule entries in order of priority (low to high)''' rules = [(-r.priority, r) for r in _rules_registry.values()] heapify(rules) while len(rules): yield heappop(rules)[1] def meta_rule_fns(): '''Returns an iterator over all meta rule functions in order of priority''' for rule in view_meta_rules(): yield rule.fn