Source code for omnifig.external

import sys, os
import importlib
import importlib.util

from omnibelt import get_printer, Registry, Entry_Registry

prt = get_printer(__name__)

# region Source files

_loaded_files = {}
[docs]def include_files(*paths): ''' Executes all provided paths to python files that have not already been run. :param paths: paths to python files to be executed (if not already) :return: None ''' global _load_counter for path in paths: if os.path.isfile(path): apath = os.path.abspath(path) if apath not in _loaded_files: sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(apath)) old = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(apath)) prt.debug(f'Loading {apath}') code_block = compile(open(apath).read(), apath, 'exec') globs = {'__file__':apath} exec(code_block, globs) _loaded_files[apath] = globs del sys.path[1] os.chdir(old)
[docs]def include_package(*packages): ''' Imports packages based on their names :param packages: list of package names to be imported :return: None ''' for pkg in packages: importlib.import_module(pkg)
# endregion # region project types _ptype_registry = Registry()
[docs]def register_project_type(name, cls): ''' Project types allow users to customize the behavior of project objects :param name: identifier of this project type :param cls: project type class :return: None ''', cls)
[docs]def get_project_type(name): '''Gets the project type associated with that name, otherwise returns None''' if name not in _ptype_registry: prt.error(f'Project type: {name} not found') return _ptype_registry.get(name, None)
[docs]def view_project_types(): '''Returns a copy of the full project type registry''' return _ptype_registry.copy()
# endregion