Source code for omnifig.config

import sys, os
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy, copy
import omnibelt as belt
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict

from omnibelt import save_yaml, load_yaml, get_printer

from .util import primitives, global_settings, configurize, pythonize, ConfigurizeFailed
from .errors import PythonizeError, MissingParameterError, UnknownActionError, InvalidKeyError

prt = get_printer(__name__)

_printing_instance = None
class Config_Printing:
	Internal class to manage the printing pulls/pushes of the config object. (eg. indent/line styles)
	def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # singleton
		global _printing_instance
		if _printing_instance is None:
			_printing_instance = super().__new__(cls)
			_printing_instance.level = 0
			_printing_instance.is_new_line = True
			_printing_instance.unit = ' > ' = '| '
			_printing_instance.silent = False
			_printing_instance.src = None
		return _printing_instance
	def __repr__(self):
		return f'ConfigPrinting[{hex(id(self))}]'
	def __str__(self):
		return f'ConfigPrinting'
	# def set_src(self, src):
	# 	self.src = src
	def inc_indent(self):
		self.level += 1
	def dec_indent(self):
		self.level = max(0, self.level-1)
	def process_addr(self, *terms):

		addr = []
		skip = False
		for term in terms[::-1]:
			if term == '':
				skip = True
			elif term is None:
			elif not skip:
				skip = False
		if not len(addr):
			return '.'
		addr = '.'.join(addr[::-1])
		return addr
	def log_record(self, raw, end='\n',
		indent = self.level * self.unit
		style =
		src = '' if self.src is None else f'({self.src}) '
		prefix = style + src + indent
		msg = raw.replace('\n', '\n' + prefix)
		if not self.is_new_line:
			prefix = ''
		msg = f'{prefix}{msg}{end}'
		base = self.silent
		if not (silent or base):
			print(msg, end='')
			self.is_new_line = (len(msg) == 0 and self.is_new_line) or msg[-1] == '\n'
		return msg

[docs]class ConfigType(belt.Transactionable): ''' The abstract super class of config objects. The most important methods: - ``push()`` - set a parameter in the config - ``pull()`` - get a parameter in the config - ``sub()`` - get a sub branch of this config - ``seq()`` - iterate through all contents - ``update()`` - update a config with a different config - ``export()`` - save the config object as a yaml file Another important property of the config object is that it acts as a tree where each node can hold parameters. If a parameter cannot be found at one node, it will search up the tree for the parameter. Config objects also allow for "deep" gets/sets, which means you can get and set parameters not just in the current node, but any number of nodes deeper in the tree by passing a list/tuple of keys or keys separated by "." (hereafter called the "address" of the parameter). Note: that all parameters must not contain "." and should generally be valid python identifiers (strings with no white space that don't start with a number). ''' def __init__(self, parent=None, printer=None, prefix=None, safe_mode=False, project=None, data=None): ''' Generally it should not be necessary to create a ConfigType manually, instead use ``get_config()``. :param parent: parent config used for defaults :param printer: printer object to handle printing messages :param prefix: initial prefix used for printing :param project: project this config responds to :param safe_mode: don't save created component instances, unless during a transaction :param data: raw parameters to immediately add to this config ''' if printer is None: printer = Config_Printing() self.__dict__['_printer'] = printer if prefix is None: prefix = [] self.__dict__['_prefix'] = prefix self.__dict__['_hidden_prefix'] = prefix.copy() self.__dict__['_safe_mode'] = safe_mode self.__dict__['_project'] = None self.set_parent(parent) # self._set_silent(silent) if project is not None: self.set_project(project) super().__init__() if data is not None: self.update(data)
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def copy(self): '''shallow copy of the config object''' return copy(self)
[docs] def pythonize(self): return pythonize(self)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, data, recurse): '''used by configurize to turn a nested python object into a config object''' return cls(data=[recurse(x) for x in data])
[docs] def sub(self, item): ''' Used to get a subbranch of the overall config :param item: address of the branch to return :return: config object at the address ''' # TODO: replace with a pull(raw=True) val = self.get_nodefault(item) if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): item = '.'.join(item) if isinstance(val, ConfigType): val._set_prefix(self.get_prefix() + [item]) val._store_prefix() return val
[docs] def update(self, other): ''' Used to merge two config nodes (and their children) together This method must be implemented by child classes depending on how the contents of the node is stored :param other: config node to overwrite ``self`` with :return: None ''' try: return super().update(other) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError
def _record_action(self, action, suffix=None, val=None, silent=False, obj=None, defaulted=False, pushed=False, _entry=False, _raw=False): ''' Internal function to manage printing out messages after various actions have been taken with this config. :param action: name of the action (see code for examples) :param suffix: suffix of the address (aka. last item in the address) :param val: contents at that address :param silent: suppress printing a message for this action :param obj: object created or used in this action (eg. a newly created component) :param defaulted: is a default value being used :param pushed: has this value just been pushed :param _entry: internal flag used for printing messages :return: formatted message corresponding to this action ''' printer = self._get_printer() if action == 'defaulted': return '' name = printer.process_addr(*self.get_prefix(), suffix) if pushed: name = '[Pushed] ' + name if 'alias' in action: return printer.log_record(f'{name} --> ', end='', silent=silent) origins = ' (by default)' if defaulted else '' if action == 'removing': obj_type = action.split('-')[-1] return printer.log_record(f'REMOVING {name}', silent=silent) if action in {'creating', 'reusing'}: assert val is not None, 'no info provided' cmpn_type = val.pull('_type', silent=True) mods = val.pull('_mod', None, silent=True) mod_info = '' if mods is not None and len(mods): if not isinstance(mods, (list, tuple)): mods = mods, mod_info = ' (mods=[{}])'.format(', '.join(m for m in mods)) if len(mods) > 1 \ else f' (mod={mods[0]})' end = '' if action == 'reusing': assert obj is not None, 'no object provided' end = f': id={hex(id(obj))}' # head = '' if suffix is None else f' {name}' head = f' {name}' out = printer.log_record(f'{action.upper()}{head} (type={cmpn_type}){mod_info}{origins}{end}', silent=silent) if action == 'creating': printer.inc_indent() return out if action in {'iter-dict', 'iter-list'}: obj_type = action.split('-')[-1] head = '' if suffix is None else f'{name} [{obj_type} with {len(val)} item/s]' return printer.log_record(f'ITERATOR {head}{origins}', silent=silent) if action in {'pull-dict', 'pull-list'}: assert val is not None, 'no obj provided' obj_type = action.split('-')[-1] out = printer.log_record(f'{name} [{obj_type} with {len(val)} item/s]', silent=silent) printer.inc_indent() return out if action in {'created', 'pulled-dict', 'pulled-list'}: assert obj is not None, 'no object provided' printer.dec_indent() return '' # return printer.log_record(f'=> id={hex(id(obj))}', silent=silent) pval = None if val is None else (f'[{type(val)}]' if _raw else repr(val)) if action == 'entry': # when pulling dict/list assert suffix is not None, 'no suffix provided' return printer.log_record(f'({suffix}): ', end='', silent=(silent or self._get_silent())) if action == 'pulled': head = '' if suffix is None else f'{name}: ' if _entry: head = '' return printer.log_record(f'{head}{pval}{origins}', silent=silent) raise UnknownActionError(action)
[docs] def pull(self, item, *defaults, silent=False, ref=False, no_parent=False, as_iter=False, raw=False): ''' Top-level function to get parameters from the config object (including automatically creating components) :param item: address of the parameter to get :param defaults: default values to use if ``item`` is not found :param silent: suppress printing message that this parameter was pulled :param ref: if the parameter is a component that has already been created, get a reference to the created component instead of creating a new instance :param no_parent: don't default to a parent node if the ``item`` is not found here :param as_iter: return an iterator over the selected value (only works if the value is a dict/list) :return: processed value of the parameter (or default if ``item`` is not found, or raises a ``MissingConfigError`` if not found) ''' self._reset_prefix() return self._pull(item, *defaults, silent=silent, ref=ref, no_parent=no_parent, as_iter=as_iter, _origin=self, _raw=raw)
[docs] def pull_self(self, name=None, silent=False, as_iter=False, raw=False, ref=False): ''' Process self as a value being pulled. :param name: Name given to self for printed message :param silent: suppress printing message :param as_iter: Return self as an iterator (has same effect as calling ``seq()``) :return: the processed value of self ''' self._reset_prefix() return self._process_val(name, self, silent=silent, reuse=ref, is_self=True, as_iter=as_iter, _origin=self, _raw=raw)
def _pull(self, item, *defaults, silent=False, ref=False, no_parent=False, as_iter=False, _defaulted=False, _origin=None, _raw=False, _allow_cousin=True): ''' Internal pull method, should generally not be called manually (unless you know what you're doing) :param item: remaining address to find :param defaults: any default values that can be used if address is not found :param silent: suppress messages :param ref: return an instance of the value instead of creating a new instance, if one exists :param no_parent: do not check for the parameter in the parent :param as_iter: return the value as an iterator (only for dicts/lists) :param _defaulted: flag that this value was once a provided default (used for printing) :param _origin: reference to the original config node that was pulled (some pulls require returing to origin) :param _raw: return unprocessed value :return: processed value found at ``item`` or a processed default value ''' # TODO: change defaults to be a keyword argument providing *1* default, and have item*s* instead, # which are the keys to be checked in order if '.' in item: item = item.split('.') line = [] if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): line = item[1:] item = item[0] defaulted = item not in self byparent = not self.contains_nodefault(item) if no_parent and byparent: defaulted = True if defaulted: try: if '__origin_key' in self and _allow_cousin: # cousins origin = self['__origin_key'] if origin is not None: parent = self.get_parent() if parent is not None: grandparent = parent.get_parent() if grandparent is not None: return grandparent._pull((origin, item), silent=silent, _defaulted=defaulted or _defaulted, as_iter=as_iter, ref=ref, _origin=_origin, _raw=_raw, _allow_cousin=False) except MissingParameterError: pass if len(defaults) == 0: raise MissingParameterError(item) val, *defaults = defaults line = [] else: val = self[item] if len(line) and not isinstance(val, ConfigType): defaulted = True if len(defaults) == 0: raise MissingParameterError(item) val, *defaults = defaults if defaulted and _origin is not None: # try again with new value _origin._reset_prefix() val = _origin._process_val(item, val, *defaults, silent=silent, defaulted=defaulted or _defaulted, as_iter=as_iter, reuse=ref, _origin=_origin, _raw=_raw) elif len(line): # child pull if not isinstance(val, ConfigType): prt.warning(f'Pulling through a non-config object: {val}') val._set_prefix(self.get_prefix() + [item]) out = val._pull(line, *defaults, silent=silent, ref=ref, no_parent=no_parent, as_iter=as_iter, _defaulted=_defaulted, _origin=_origin, _raw=_raw, _allow_cousin=_allow_cousin) val = out elif byparent and not item.startswith('_'): # parent pull parent = self.get_parent() parent._set_prefix(self.get_prefix() + ['']) val = parent._pull((item, *line), *defaults, silent=silent, ref=ref, no_parent=no_parent, as_iter=as_iter, _origin=_origin, _raw=_raw, _allow_cousin=_allow_cousin) else: # process val from me/defaults val = self._process_val(item, val, *defaults, silent=silent, defaulted=defaulted or _defaulted, as_iter=as_iter, reuse=ref, _origin=_origin, _raw=_raw) if type(val) in {list, set}: # TODO: a little heavy handed val = tuple(val) return val def _process_val(self, item, val, *defaults, silent=False, reuse=False, is_self=False, as_iter=False, _origin=None, _raw=False, **record_flags): ''' This is used by ``pull()`` to process the recovered value and print the correct message if ``not silent`` :param item: remaining address where this value was found :param val: value that was found given the original address :param defaults: any additional defaults to use if processing fails with ``val`` :param silent: suppress messages :param reuse: if an instance is found (under ``__obj``) then that should be returned instead of creating a new one :param is_self: this config object should be returned after processing :param as_iter: return an iterator of ``val`` (only works if ``val`` is a list/dict) :param _origin: original config node where the pull or push request was intially called :param record_flags: additional flags used for printing. :return: processed value ''' if as_iter and isinstance(val, ConfigType): obj_type = 'list' if isinstance(val, list) else 'dict' if obj_type == 'list' or '_type' not in val or not val.pull('_type', silent=True).startswith('iter'): self._record_action(f'iter-{obj_type}', suffix=item, val=val, silent=silent, **record_flags) if _raw: return val itr = ConfigIter(val, val) return itr if isinstance(val, ConfigDict) and not _raw: val.push('__origin_key', item, silent=True) typ = val._pull('_type', None, silent=True) if typ is not None: if reuse and '__obj' in val: # print('WARNING: would usually reuse {} now, but instead creating a new one!!') cmpn = val['__obj'] self._record_action('reusing', suffix=item, val=val, obj=cmpn, silent=silent, **record_flags) else: self._record_action('creating', suffix=item, val=val, silent=silent, **record_flags) hidden = val._get_hidden_prefix() val.get_prefix().clear() val._store_prefix() past = self._get_silent() with self.silenced(silent or past): cmpn = self.get_project().create_component(val) if not self.in_safe_mode() or self.in_transaction(): if item is not None and len(item) and not is_self: val['__obj'] = cmpn else: self['__obj'] = cmpn val._set_prefix(hidden) val._store_prefix() self._record_action('created', suffix=item, val=val, obj=cmpn, silent=silent, **record_flags) val = cmpn else: val.push('__origin_key', '_x_', silent=True) self._record_action('pull-dict', suffix=item, val=val, silent=silent, **record_flags) terms = {} for k, v in val.items(): # WARNING: pulls all entries in dict k = str(k) self._record_action('entry', silent=silent, suffix=k) terms[k] = val._process_val(k, v, reuse=reuse, silent=silent, _origin=_origin, _entry=True) self._record_action('pulled-dict', suffix=item, val=val, obj=terms, silent=silent, **record_flags) val = terms elif isinstance(val, ConfigList) and not _raw: self._record_action('pull-list', suffix=item, val=val, silent=silent, **record_flags) terms = [] for i, v in enumerate(val): # WARNING: pulls all entries in list self._record_action('entry', silent=silent, suffix=str(i)) terms.append(val._process_val(str(i), v, reuse=reuse, silent=silent, _origin=_origin, _entry=True)) self._record_action('pulled-list', suffix=item, val=val, obj=terms, silent=silent, **record_flags) val = terms elif isinstance(val, str) and val.startswith('<>'): # local alias (looks for alias locally) alias = val[2:] self._record_action('local-alias', suffix=item, val=alias, silent=silent, **record_flags) val = self._pull(alias, *defaults, silent=silent, _origin=_origin, as_iter=as_iter, ref=reuse) elif isinstance(val, str) and val.startswith('<o>'): # origin alias (returns to origin to find alias) alias = val[3:] self._record_action('origin-alias', suffix=item, val=alias, silent=silent, **record_flags) _origin._reset_prefix() val = _origin._pull(alias, *defaults, silent=silent, _origin=_origin, as_iter=as_iter) elif isinstance(val, str) and val.startswith('<!>'): # copy alias (only for local aliases) alias = val[3:] self._record_action('copy-alias', suffix=item, val=alias, silent=silent, **record_flags) val = self._pull(alias, *defaults, silent=silent, _origin=_origin, as_iter=as_iter, _raw=True) # self[item] = deepcopy(val) val = deepcopy(val) self[item] = val return self._process_val(item, val, silent=silent, _origin=_origin, as_iter=as_iter, _raw=_raw) else: self._record_action('pulled', suffix=item, val=val, silent=silent, _raw=_raw, **record_flags) return val
[docs] def push(self, key, val, *_skip, silent=False, overwrite=True, no_parent=True, force_root=False, process=True): ''' Set ``key`` with ``val`` in the config object, but pulls ``key`` first so that `val` is only set if it is not found or ``overwrite`` is set to ``True``. It will return the current value of ``key`` after possibly setting with ``val``. :param key: key to check/set (can be list or '.' separated string) :param val: data to possibly write into the config object :param _skip: soak up all other positional arguments to make sure the remaining are keyword only :param silent: Do not print messages :param overwrite: If key is already set, overwrite with (configurized) 'val' :param no_parent: Do not check parent object if not found in self :param force_root: Push key to the root config object :return: current val of key (updated if written) ''' self._reset_prefix() return self._push(key, val, silent=silent, overwrite=overwrite, no_parent=no_parent, force_root=force_root, process=process)
def _push(self, key, val, silent=False, overwrite=True, no_parent=True, force_root=False, process=True, _origin=None): ''' Set ``key`` with ``val`` in the config object, but pulls ``key`` first so that `val` is only set if it is not found or ``overwrite`` is set to ``True``. It will return the current value of ``key`` after possibly setting with ``val``. :param key: key to check/set (can be list or '.' separated string) :param val: data to possibly write into the config object :param _skip: soak up all other positional arguments to make sure the remaining are keyword only :param silent: Do not print messages :param overwrite: If key is already set, overwrite with (configurized) 'val' :param no_parent: Do not check parent object if not found in self :param force_root: Push key to the root config object :return: current val of key (updated if written) ''' if '.' in key: key = key.split('.') line = [] if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): line = key[1:] key = key[0] exists = self.contains_nodefault(key) parent = self.get_parent() if parent is not None and force_root: return self.get_root().push((key, *line), val, silent=silent, overwrite=overwrite, no_parent=no_parent, process=process) elif no_parent: parent = None if exists and len(line): # push me child = self.get_nodefault(key) child._set_prefix(self.get_prefix() + [key]) out = child._push(line, val, silent=silent, overwrite=overwrite, no_parent=True, process=process) return out elif parent is not None and key in parent: # push parent parent._set_prefix(self.get_prefix() + ['']) out = parent._push((key, *line), val, silent=silent, overwrite=overwrite, no_parent=no_parent, process=process) return out elif len(line): # push child child = self.get_nodefault(key) child._set_prefix(self.get_prefix() + [key]) out = child._push(line, val, silent=silent, overwrite=overwrite, no_parent=True, process=process) return out if exists and not overwrite: return self._pull(key, silent=True) if isinstance(val, str) and val == '_x_': if exists: self._record_action('removing', suffix=key, val=val, silent=silent) del self[key] return val = configurize(val) self[key] = val # val = self[key] if process: val = self._process_val(key, val, silent=silent, pushed=True) return val
[docs] def export(self, path=None): ''' Convert all data to raw data (using dict/list) and save as yaml file to ``path`` if provided. Also returns yamlified data. :param path: path to save data in this config (data is not saved to disk if not provided) :return: raw "yamlified" data ''' data = pythonize(self) if path is not None: path = Path(path) if path.is_dir(): path = path / 'config.yaml' save_yaml(data, path) return path return data
[docs] def seq(self): ''' Returns an iterator over the contents of this config object where elements are lazily processed during iteration (see ``ConfigIter`` for details). :return: iterator over all arguments in self ''' return ConfigIter(self, self)
[docs] def replace_vals(self, replacements): raise NotImplementedError
# region Silencing
[docs] def set_silent(self, silent=True): '''Sets whether pushes and pulls on this config object should be printed out to stdout''' self.__dict__['_printer'].silent = silent
[docs] def silence(self, silent=True): self.set_silent(silent)
# self._silent_config_flag = silent def _get_silent(self): return self.__dict__['_printer'].silent class _Silent_Config: '''Internal context manager to silence a config object''' def __init__(self, config, setting): self.config = config self.setting = setting self.prev = config._get_silent() def __enter__(self): self.config.set_silent(self.setting) return self.config def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.config.set_silent(self.prev)
[docs] def silenced(self, setting=True): '''Returns a context manager to silence this config object''' return ConfigType._Silent_Config(self, setting=setting)
# endregion # region Parents
[docs] def is_root(self): # TODO: move to tree space '''Check if this config object has a parent for defaults''' return self.get_parent() is None
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent): '''Sets the parent config object to be checked when a parameter is not found in `self`''' self.__dict__['_parent'] = parent
[docs] def get_parent(self): '''Get parent (returns None if this is the root)''' return self.__dict__['_parent']
[docs] def set_process_id(self, name=None): '''Set the unique ID to include when printing out pulls from this object''' self._get_printer().src = name
[docs] def get_root(self): '''Gets the root config object (returns ``self`` if ``self`` is the root)''' parent = self.get_parent() if parent is None: return self return parent.get_root()
# endregion # region Addressing def _get_printer(self): return self.__dict__['_printer'] def get_prefix(self): return self.__dict__['_prefix']
[docs] def _set_prefix(self, prefix): self.__dict__['_prefix'] = prefix
[docs] def _reset_prefix(self): self._set_prefix(self._get_hidden_prefix())
[docs] def _get_hidden_prefix(self): return self.__dict__['_hidden_prefix']
def _store_prefix(self): self.__dict__['_hidden_prefix'] = self.get_prefix().copy() # endregion # region Misc
[docs] def set_project(self, project): self.get_root().__dict__['_project'] = project
[docs] def get_project(self): return self.get_root().__dict__['_project']
[docs] def set_safe_mode(self, safe_mode): if self.is_root(): self.__dict__['_safe_mode'] = safe_mode else: self.get_root().set_safe_mode(safe_mode)
[docs] def in_safe_mode(self): if self.is_root(): return self.__dict__['_safe_mode'] return self.get_root().in_safe_mode()
[docs] def purge_volatile(self): ''' Recursively remove any items where the key starts with "__" Must be implemented by the child class :return: None ''' raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}[id={hex(id(self))}]' def __str__(self): # return repr(self) return f'<{type(self).__name__}>' # endregion # region Get/Set/Contains def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, str) and '.' in key: key = key.split('.') if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): if len(key) == 1: return self.__setitem__(key[0], value) child = self.get_nodefault(*key) assert isinstance(child, ConfigType) return child.__setitem__(key[1:], value) value = configurize(value) if isinstance(value, ConfigType): value.set_parent(self) # value.set_project(self.get_project()) return self._single_set(key, value) def __getitem__(self, item, *future): if isinstance(item, str) and '.' in item: item = item.split('.') if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): if len(item) == 1: item = item[0] else: return self.__getitem__(*item)[item[1:]] parent = self.get_parent() if not self.contains_nodefault(item) \ and parent is not None \ and item[0] != '_': return parent[item] return self._single_get(item, *future) def get_nodefault(self, item, *future): '''Get ``item`` without defaulting up the tree if not found.''' if isinstance(item, str) and '.' in item: item = item.split('.') if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): if len(item) == 1: item = item[0] else: return self.get_nodefault(*item)[item[1:]] return self._single_get(item, *future)
[docs] def _single_set(self, key, val): return super().__setitem__(key, val)
def _single_get(self, item, *context): try: val = super().__getitem__(item) if val is EmptyElement and len(context): raise KeyError(item) except KeyError: return self._missing_key(item, *context) return val
[docs] def _missing_key(self, key, *context): cls = ConfigDict if len(context): nxt = context[0] try: int(nxt) except ValueError: pass else: cls = ConfigList obj = cls(parent=self) self.__setitem__(key, obj) return obj
def __contains__(self, item): '''Check if ``item`` is in this config, item can be "deep" (multiple steps''' if isinstance(item, str) and '.' in item: item = item.split('.') if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): if len(item) == 1: item = item[0] else: return item[0] in self and item[1:] in self[item[0]] parent = self.get_parent() return self.contains_nodefault(item) \ or (not super().__contains__(item) and parent is not None and item[0] != '_' and item in parent) def contains_nodefault(self, item): '''Check if ``item`` is contained in this config object without defaulting up the tree if ``item`` is not found''' if isinstance(item, str) and '.' in item: item = item.split('.') if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): if len(item) == 1: item = item[0] else: return self.contains_nodefault(item[0]) and self[item[0]].contains_nodefault(item[1:]) if super().__contains__(item): return self.get_nodefault(item) is not '__x__' return False
# endregion
[docs]class ConfigDict(ConfigType, belt.tdict): ''' Dict like node in the config. Keys should all be valid python attributes (strings with no whitespace, and not starting with a number). NOTE: avoid setting keys that start with more than one underscore (especially '__obj') (unless you really know what you are doing) '''
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): new = self.__class__(data={k:deepcopy(v) for k,v in self.items() if not k.startswith('__')}) new.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return new
[docs] def __copy__(self): new = self.__class__(data={k:v for k,v in self.items()}) new.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return new
[docs] def copy(self): return copy(self)
[docs] def replace_vals(self, replacements): for k,v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, primitives) and v in replacements: self[k] = replacements[v] elif isinstance(v, ConfigType): v.replace_vals(replacements)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, data, recurse): return cls(data={k: recurse(v) for k, v in data.items()})
[docs] def update(self, other): ''' Merge self with another dict-like object :param other: must be dict like :return: None ''' assert isinstance(other, dict), f'invalid: {type(other)}' for k, v in other.items(): isconfig = isinstance(v, ConfigType) exists = self.contains_nodefault(k) if exists and '_x_' == v: # reserved for deleting settings in parents del self[k] elif exists and isconfig and \ (isinstance(v, self[k].__class__) or isinstance(self[k], v.__class__)): self[k].update(v) else: self[k] = v
[docs] def purge_volatile(self): ''' Recursively remove any items where the key starts with "__" :return: None ''' bad = [] for k, v in self.items(): if k.startswith('__'): bad.append(k) elif isinstance(v, ConfigType): v.purge_volatile() for k in bad: del self[k]
def __repr__(self): info = '{{' + ', '.join(f'{k}' for k in self) + '}}' return f'[{hex(id(self))}]{info}' def __str__(self): return repr(self) return '{{' + ', '.join(f'{k}' for k in self) + '}}'
[docs]class EmptyElement: pass
[docs]class ConfigList(ConfigType, belt.tlist): ''' List like node in the config. ''' def __init__(self, *args, empty_fill_value=EmptyElement, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._empty_fill_value = empty_fill_value
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): new = self.__class__(data=[deepcopy(x) for x in self]) new.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return new
[docs] def __copy__(self): new = self.__class__(data=[x for x in self]) new.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return new
def __repr__(self): info = '[[' + ', '.join(f'{k}' for k in self) + ']]' return f'[{hex(id(self))}]{info}' def __str__(self): return '[[' + ', '.join(f'{k}' for k in self) + ']]'
[docs] def replace_vals(self, replacements): for i, x in enumerate(self): if isinstance(x, primitives) and x in replacements: self[i] = replacements[x] elif isinstance(x, ConfigType): x.replace_vals(replacements)
[docs] def purge_volatile(self): ''' Recursively remove any items where the key starts with "__" :return: None ''' for x in self: if isinstance(x, ConfigType): x.purge_volatile()
[docs] def _str_to_int(self, item): '''Convert the input items to indices of the list''' if isinstance(item, int): return item try: return int(item) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass raise InvalidKeyError(f'failed to convert {item} to an index')
[docs] def update(self, other): '''Overwrite ``self`` with the provided list ``other``''' for i, x in enumerate(other): isconfig = isinstance(x, ConfigType) if len(self) == i: self.append(x) elif isconfig and (isinstance(x, self[i].__class__) or isinstance(self[i], x.__class__)): self[i].update(x) elif x is not EmptyElement: self[i] = x
[docs] def _single_set(self, key, val): if key == '_': # append to end of the list key = len(self) key = self._str_to_int(key) if key >= len(self): self.extend([self._empty_fill_value] * (key - len(self) + 1)) return super()._single_set(key, val)
def _single_get(self, item, *context): if isinstance(item, slice): return super(ConfigType, self).__getitem__(item) if item == '_': # append to end of the list item = len(self) item = self._str_to_int(item) if item < 0: item += len(self) if item >= len(self): self.extend([self._empty_fill_value] * (item - len(self) + 1)) return super()._single_get(item, *context)
[docs] def push(self, first, *rest, overwrite=True, **kwargs): ''' When pushing to a list, if you don't provide an index, the value is automatically pushed to the end of the list :param first: if no additional args are provided in `rest`, then this is used as the value and the key is the end of the list, otherwise this is used as key and the first element in `rest` is the value :param rest: optional second argument to specify the key, rather than defaulting to the end of the list :param kwargs: same keyword args as for the ConfigDict :return: same as for ConfigDict ''' if len(rest): val, *rest = rest return super().push(first, val, *rest, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs) val = first key = len(self) self.append(None) return super().push(key, val, *rest, overwrite=True, **kwargs) # note that *rest will have no effect
def contains_nodefault(self, item): try: idx = self._str_to_int(item) except InvalidKeyError: return isinstance(item, slice) N = len(self) return -N <= idx < N
[docs] def append(self, item): super().append(item) if isinstance(item, ConfigType): item.set_parent(self)
# item.set_project(self.get_project())
[docs] def extend(self, item): super().extend(item) for x in item: if isinstance(x, ConfigType): x.set_parent(self)
# x.set_project(self.get_project())
[docs]class ConfigIter: ''' Iterate through a list of parameters, processing each item lazily, ie. only when it is iterated over (with ``next()``) ''' def __init__(self, origin, elements=None, auto_pull=True, include_key=None, reversed=False): ''' Can be used as a component or created manually (by providing the ``elements`` argument explicitly) For dicts, this will behave like ``.items()``, ie. for each entry in the dict it will return a tuple of the key and value. :param origin: config object where the iterator info is :param elements: manually provided elements to iterate over (uses contents of "_elements" in ``origin`` if not provided) ''' # self._name = config._ident # assert '_elements' in config, 'No elements found' if elements is None: elements = origin['_elements'] self._elms = elements self._keys = [k for k in self._elms.keys() if k not in {'_elements', '_mod', '_type', '__obj', '__origin_key'} and self._elms[k] != '__x__'] \ if isinstance(self._elms, dict) else None self._include_key = include_key if include_key is not None else self._keys is not None self._prefix = origin.get_prefix().copy() self._reversed = False self._idx = 0 self.set_reversed(reversed) self.set_auto_pull(auto_pull) def __len__(self): '''Returns the remaining length of this iterator instance''' return len(self._elms if self._keys is None else self._keys) - self._idx def _next_idx(self): '''Find the next index or key''' if self._keys is None: if 0 > self._idx >= len(self._elms): raise StopIteration return str(self._idx) # if not self._elms.contains_nodefault(self._idx): # raise StopIteration # return str(self._idx) while 0 <= self._idx < len(self._elms): idx = self._keys[self._idx] if self._elms.contains_nodefault(idx): return idx self._idx += (-1)**self._reversed raise StopIteration
[docs] def view(self): '''Returns the next object without processing the item, may throw a StopIteration exception''' idx = self._next_idx() obj = self._elms.pull(idx, raw=True, silent=True) # obj = self._elms[idx] if isinstance(obj, ConfigType): obj.push('_iter_key', idx, silent=True) if isinstance(obj, global_settings['config_type']): obj = self._elms.sub(idx) return (idx, obj) if self._include_key else obj
[docs] def step(self): obj = self.view() self._idx += (-1)**self._reversed return obj
[docs] def set_auto_pull(self, auto=True): self._auto_pull = auto
[docs] def set_reversed(self, reversed=True): self._reversed = reversed if reversed: self._idx = len(self)-1
[docs] def has_next(self): return (self._reversed and self._idx >= 0) or (not self._reversed and self._idx < len(self._elms))
def __next__(self): if not self.has_next(): raise StopIteration obj = self.step() key, val = obj if self._include_key else (None,obj) if isinstance(val, global_settings['config_type']): val = val.pull_self(raw=not self._auto_pull, silent=not self._auto_pull) return (key,val) if self._include_key else val
[docs] def __iter__(self): return self
nones = {'None', 'none', '_none', '_None', 'null', 'nil', }
[docs]def configurize_nones(s, recurse): '''Turns strings into None, if they match the expected patterns''' if s in nones: return None raise ConfigurizeFailed
global_settings.update({ 'config_type': ConfigType, 'config_converters': OrderedDict([ (str, configurize_nones), (dict, (False, ConfigDict.convert)), (OrderedDict, (False, ConfigDict.convert)), (list, ConfigList.convert), # (tuple, ConfigList.convert), (set, ConfigList.convert), ]), })