Source code for omnifig.common.debug

import sys
import traceback

from omnibelt import get_printer

from ..errors import ConfigNotFoundError

from import get_config, find_config
from ..decorators import Component

from ..modes import Run_Mode
from ..rules import Meta_Rule

DEBUG_NAME = 'debug'

prt = get_printer(__name__)

[docs]@Meta_Rule(DEBUG_NAME, priority=100, code=DEBUG_CODE, description='Switch to debug mode') def debug_rule(meta, config): ''' When activated, this rule changes the run mode to ``run_mode/debug`` and updates the config to include :param meta: meta config object :param config: full config object :return: config object updated with debug config (if available) ''' debug = meta.pull(DEBUG_NAME, False, silent=True) if debug: meta.push('_type', DEBUG_MODE_NAME, silent=True) print('Switched to debug run mode') try: find_config(DEBUG_NAME) except ConfigNotFoundError: if not meta.pull('silent', False, silent=True): prt.warning('No config "debug" was found') else: config.update(get_config(DEBUG_NAME)) meta.push('debug', False, silent=True) # to prevent running this rule multiple times for the same config return config
[docs]@Component(DEBUG_MODE_NAME) class Debug_Mode(Run_Mode): ''' Behaves just like the default run mode, excapt if the script raises an exception, either the ``ipdb`` :func:`post_mortem` debugger is activated, or if this is already running in a debugger (checked using :code:`sys.gettrace() is not None`) then ``ipdb`` is not activated. '''
[docs] def run(self, meta, config): '''Calls ``ipdb`` to activate debugger if an exception is raised when running the script.''' try: return super().run(meta, config) except KeyboardInterrupt: extype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() except Exception as e: if sys.gettrace() is None: import ipdb extype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() ipdb.post_mortem(tb) else: print('[Skipping debug]') raise e