Source code for

import sys, os
from tabulate import tabulate

from ..rules import Meta_Rule, view_meta_rules
from import view_scripts, view_configs, find_script

_default_help_msg = '''
Usage: fig [-<meta>] {script} [<configs>...] [--<args>]


| meta |
Optional meta arguments (usually specified with a single letter)

| configs |
Specify any registered configs to merge


| args |
Any additional arguments specified manually
as key-value pairs (keys with "--")

_default_script_info = '''+--------+
| script |
Specify a registered script name to run

_script_sel = '''Script: {script}

[docs]@Meta_Rule('help', priority=99, code='h', description='Display this help message') def help_message(meta, config): ''' When activated, this rule prints out help message for the ``fig`` command, which includes a list of all registered scripts, meta rules, and configs that have been loaded. :param meta: meta config object :param config: config object :return: [system exit, with code 0] ''' show_help = meta.pull('help', False, silent=True) if not show_help: return config name = meta.pull('script_name', None, silent=True) num = meta.pull('show_args', 4, silent=True) metas = [(f'-{r.code}',, '-' if r.description is None else r.description) for r in view_meta_rules() if r.code is not None][:num] minfo = tabulate(metas, headers=['Code', 'Name', 'Description'], ) # tablefmt="plain" scripts = [(, '-' if s.description is None else s.description) for s in view_scripts().values() if not'_')]#[:num] configs = [ for c in view_configs().values()] end = '' if len(configs) > num: end = f' ... [{len(configs)} items]' cinfo = ', '.join(configs) cinfo = f'Registered configs: {cinfo}{end}' if name is None: name = '<script>' if len(scripts) == 0: sinfo = '\n - No scripts registered -' else: sinfo = tabulate(scripts, headers=['Name', 'Description'],) #tablefmt="plain" sinfo = _default_script_info.format(available=sinfo) else: info = find_script(name) doc = info.fn.__doc__ if doc is None or len(doc) == 0: doc = '[no docstring]\n' sinfo = _script_sel.format(script=name, doc=doc) print(_default_help_msg.format(script=name, scripts=sinfo, metas=minfo, configs=cinfo)) sys.exit(0)